Current Community
Service Announcements
Image: Glass House Mountains_Hintergirl
The Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre is kicking off 2025 with another Art Jam! From the 14th of January to the 16th of February, the gallery will be filled with artists creating together, and selling their work, in mini studio spaces. This is an opportunity for you to see local artists in action. Call in for a chat, browse their work, and experience the efforts of the creative community of the Noosa Hinterland. Opening times are Tuesday to Friday 10am to 4pm, weekends 9am to 1pm.
The Buderim Contract Bridge Club will commence weekly bridge lessons on Wednesday the 29th of January and run through to the 26th of March. Lessons will be held at their clubhouse at 176 Ballinger Road, Buderim.. Cost is $50, which includes 10 weekly lessons and 6 supervised play sessions, plus textbook ‘Introduction to Bridge' and Club Membership. For more information phone 0491 130 722.
Caloundra Bridge Club is known as The Friendly Club. Beginner Lessons will commence on Wednesday the 5th of February, and run each Wednesday and Friday morning at 8.45am for 6 weeks, at 80 Arthur Street, Caloundra. Lessons will be followed by supervised play. Cost is $50. For more information visit the Caloundra Bridge Club website and click Lessons, or e-mail Teacher, Bob Hannam at bobh4551@gmail.com
The 3b Creative Theatre’s first production for 2025 is “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”, a comedy-drama set in a small town in far outback Queensland. It tells the story of two deserted wives united by their passion for country and western music. The production will be staged at the Buderim War Memorial Hall for evening and matinee performances from the 7th to 16th of February. Performance dates and times are as follows: 7,8,14,15 February – 7.30pm: 8,9,15,16 February – 2.30pm. To book visit trybooking.com
The Lantern Festival is the final item on the Lunar New Year celebration program of the Sunshine Coast Chinese Association, being held at Aussie World on the 8th of February from 5 to 9pm. It will include the traditional dragon and lion dance, lantern exhibition and decoration, as well as amazing stage performances, cultural experiences, and yummy food. This is a family friendly event not to be missed.
The first Golden Beach Caloundra Handmade Artisan Market for 2025 will be held on Saturday the 8th of February. The market is held on the 2nd Saturday every 2nd month at the Caloundra Indoor Bowling Assn, Burke Street, Golden Beach from 8am to 1pm. A variety of stallholders with a selection of different products will be available. The venue is air-conditioned and there will be food, coffee, and plenty of parking.
During 2024 Coolum Breakers were awarded AFL Queensland’s Club of the Year! They will be holding a Club Sign on Day at Coolum-Peregian Beach RSL, 1906 David Low Way, on Sunday the 9th of February from 10am to 1pm. 2025 is their 20th anniversary and they expect to field male and female teams in every Junior & Youth age group. Go along, meet the Committee and join the Best Junior Club on the Coast!
The next concert of the Maroochy River Country Music Club will be held in the A – C – M – A Hall of Fame, Steggalls Road, Yandina on Sunday the 9th of February, commencing at midday. Go along for an afternoon of great country and pop music. Cost is $10 which includes tea & coffee. For more information phone Darryl on 0458 671 568.
Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? A free Blue Care Grief and Loss Program will help you work through your grief. The program commences on Friday, the 14th of February for 8 weeks, from 9.30 -11.30am, at Connections on King, Buderim Uniting Church, Cnr King St & Gloucester Rd. For more information phone Aurilea on 0439 768 394; aaugustine5@bigpond.com
Lind Lane Theatre in Nambour will be staging Helen Edmundson’s compelling play exploring a crucial episode in the early life of Mary Shelley. The production focuses on her meeting with Percy B. Shelley, and scandalous elopement at aged 16, in the 1800’s, and its consequences for her family. Performance dates are the 14th to 21st of February at Evenings and Matinees. Bookings are essential. To book visit lindlane.com.au
The Sunshine Coast Concert Band invites you to join them at the Kawana Community Hall, at 2pm on Saturday the 15th of February, for an entertaining afternoon of marches and melodies. Cost is $25 for adults, $10 for teens, and youngsters are free. Afternoon tea is included.
The Hall of Fame, 24 Steggalls Road, Yandina, welcomes guest artist John Abbott to the A - C - M - A country music concert on Sunday the 16th of February, commencing at midday. Singing songs that you know and love, John’s on-stage energy and professionalism bring them alive, guaranteeing entertainment! Enjoy music from talented local artists backed by a great house band. Cost is $10.
Did you know that Guinea pigs have shows? The Sunshine Coast Cavy Club is holding a guinea pig show at the Woombye School of Arts Hall Hill Street Woombye on Sunday the 16th of February starting at 10am. There will be competition judging of guinea pigs, accessories will be available along with a nail trimming service. Also you will be able to get some free information on care. For more information email sunshinecoastcavyclub@gmail.com
The Sunshine Coast Jazz Club is pleased to present the International Bassist and Vocalist Nickki Parrot, and her talented group of musicians, on Sunday the 16th of February, at the Caloundra Power Boat Club. Doors open at midday and jazz commences at 1pm. Book early on 0427 782 960 or visit sunshinecoastjazzclub.net.au
Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? A free Blue Care Grief and Loss Program, will commence on Monday, the 17th of February, at the Tewantin Uniting Church, 41 Poinciana Ave, Tewantin. The program will run each Monday from 12.30 to 2.30pm for 8 weeks, and will offer support, friendship and techniques to deal with grief. For registration and further information contact Barbara on 0407 746 752 or visit noosacoastaluc@bigpond.com
St Peter’s Anglican Church, Cnr Beach Rd. and Church St. Maroochydore, are hosting a concert on Saturday the 22nd of February commencing at 2pm. The St John’s Cathedral of Brisbane, men’s and boys’ choir will be singing old & new hymns, along with modern-day music. Cost is $20, which includes a delicious afternoon tea. Tickets are available at the door and funds raised will go to help the community. For further information phone 0407 587 969.
The Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre is showcasing three exciting new exhibitions in February, for a themed celebration of International Women’s Day. Exhibitions include Jewel Polkinghorne’s ‘In My Wild Garden’, a new members exhibition ‘Encircle’, and a group exhibition, ‘The Pursuit of Ideal Content’, investigating the consequences of the rise of social media. The official opening will be held on Saturday the 22nd of February from 4pm. Everyone is welcome.
Take to the Skies for a Cause! Join Helitec and SunnyKids for an unforgettable day of flying and fundraising at Sunshine Coast Airport on the 22nd of February from 8am to 3pm. Experience the thrill of a helicopter flight while making a difference in our community. All profits from the day will be donated to SunnyKids, to help brighten the lives of Sunshine Coast children, and families in need.
The first Mapleton Country Market for 2025 is on Saturday the 22nd of February from 8am to noon. Enjoy a waffle or a slice and a coffee, pick up sourdoughs, jams, chutneys, pestos and pizza bases, as well as indigenous teas, plants, flowers, art & crafts and much more. The market is held in the Mapleton School Carpark & parking is free.
The Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club is holding their Sign On Day at Nambour Showgrounds, on the 23rd of February from 9am to midday. Entry is by gold coin donation, which will go to support the Nambour Community Centre. There will be over one hundred cars on display and a food and coffee vendor will be on site.
The Jazz and Blues Collective, invite you to enjoy a special afternoon of “Smooth’n’Grooves”, with the Mark Pradella Band, and vocalist, Pete Vance, at the Millwell Road Community Centre, on Sunday the 2nd of March at 1.30pm. They will take you on a musical journey of jazz, swing, blues Latin and more – all with great arrangements. For more information visit the Jazz and Blues Facebook page or phone Robyn on 0403 152 397
General Information
The Kidney Support Network provides a transport service for Kidney patients to and from hospital, for their dialysis treatment. They are currently in urgent need of Volunteer Drivers. Vehicles are provided, and are accessed from Currimundi and Maroochydore. They are Centrelink registered, and meet the volunteers requirements. For more information please contact Ann on 0410 749 074 or visit sunshinecoastadmin@ksn.org.au.
The Caloundra Repair Café will be open on the last Saturday of each month, from 9am to midday, at the Caloundra Community Centre, 58A Queen Street. Take along small household items such as electronic, small electrical, wood, ceramic, glass, toys and clothes, for hand or machine stitching. Items will be assessed and repaired if possible. For more information email caloundrarepaircafe@gmail.com, call Dorothy on 0450 062 543 or Facebook. https://www.repaircafe.org/en/repair-cafe-turns-15-celebrate-this-anniversary-with-us/
Are you a young adult with a disability seeking employment? Project SEARCH offers a 12-month unpaid internship program at Buderim Private and St Stephen’s, Hervey Bay Hospitals, for ages 17 to 28 with an NDIS plan. The program provides skills, support, and confidence for work. There are limited spots available! For more information email projectsearch@uccommunity.org.au or Christy.Giles@uccommunity.org.au.
The Caloundra Evening VIEW Club meet at the Caloundra Power Boat Club, on the second Tuesday of each month, for a dinner meeting at 6.15 for a 6.45pm start. The club offers women of the Sunshine Coast an opportunity to be involved in sponsoring the education of disadvantaged Australian children through the Smith Family charity. They also have movie days, dining out and walks each month. For more information phone Di on 0400 473 193
The Caloundra Stamp Club meet on the 4th Thursday of each month, at 12.30pm, at Bellvista Meeting Place, 18 Lomond Crescent, Bellvista. They exchange books, and have a bargain table and accessories. New Members and Visitors are always welcome. For further information phone Catherine on 0406 018 456 or Paul on 0432 937 111.
Are you looking for a great space for your next event? Millwell Road Community Centre has a large hall for up to 180 people, and three smaller rooms for 10 to 30 people. All rooms have a large TV, HDMI connectivity and WIFI, and hire rates are very competitive. For more information, availability or to book, contact the Centre Manager on 5443 8809 or email info@millwellroadcommunitycentre.com.au.
The Hinterland Music Club meets at 11am on the second Saturday of each month at the Big Shed, Historical Village, Bryce Lane, Maleny. Open Mic walk up artists, including beginners, are welcome to attend. Please bring 5 chord charts. There will be a Sausage Sizzle lunch for a small charge and bottomless tea/coffee for gold coin donation. Admission is $7 Members $5 For further information contact Barry on 0427 659 687.
Cooroy Camphor Laurel is a not for profit organisation, located at Lower Mill Road, Cooroy. Their members, who are retired men and women, make hand crafted cutting boards, tables, chairs, trays and games for sale. Proceeds go towards ongoing support and purchase of materials. They welcome visitors from 7am to 11.45am Monday to Friday.
Passionate about your community? Love helping others? Join Caloundra Information Centre as a volunteer! Share your knowledge of the Sunshine Coast, assist visitors with tourist info, directions, and local events. Gain customer service and tourism experience while giving back to your community. Apply now and be part of the dedicated team! For more information visit caloundra.com.au.
Caloundra CWA has been in operation for over 87 years! The members are a group of fun loving women from all ages and walks of life, who meet at 9.30am on the first three Wednesdays’, of the month, at 17 Kalinga Street Caloundra, for craft, cuppa, chat and cards. During the year they also have various activities, including lunches and outings. Everyone is welcome.
Parrots in Paradise at Barrs Road, Glasshouse Mountains, are looking for bird loving volunteers to join their team of aviary attendants. Tasks involved include preparation of fresh fruit, cleaning aviaries and refreshing seed bowls. The parrots enjoy volunteer interaction, and are loveable and amusing. Volunteers are also required in the reception area. For more information please call 5438 7719 between 8.30am and 2pm, 7 days per week.
The Noosaville VIEW Club is a warm, welcoming women’s group that meets twice a month on Thursdays. The second Thursday of the month is Friendship Day, where members get together for lunch. On the fourth Thursday the club meets at the Tewantin RSL to discuss the progress of The Smith Family’s twelve Learning for Life students which the Club supports, followed by lunch. They would love to welcome new members. For more information email viewnoosaville@gmail.com
Friends for Friends afternoon entertainment is for socially isolated and lonely seniors who would like to make new friends and have fun! They meet every Friday from 1 - 3.30pm the CCSA Hall, Nutley Street, Caloundra. Cost is $10 which includes one hour of live entertainment, plus bingo and hoy games, lucky door prizes, raffle and a delicious afternoon tea. For more information please contact Berneice 0403 131 586 or Colleen 0438 924 366.
Have you ever wanted to play croquet? The Coolum Croquet Club, at 25 Seacove Lane, Coolum Beach, warmly welcomes new members and visitors. They offer 3 free lessons and mallets are available. Now is the time to try something new! For more information email: coolum.croquet@gmail.com or phone 0423 277 951.
The Caloundra CWA Hall at 17 Kalinga Street, Caloundra, is available for hire in 2025. Various times are available during the week, both day and night. The hall, situated centrally in Caloundra, has a polished floor, is air conditioned, and rates are reasonable. For more information, phone 0466 124 711
Noosa Daybreak Rotary wishes you all a very happy and healthy New Year. Since October 2022, they have remained steadfast in their quest to help the homeless on the Sunshine Coast. If you would like to join them, weekly meetings will be held each Thursday at 7.30am at “Café Vin Cino” in Noosa Marina. Go along and help to make a difference!
Are you ready to make a difference in your community and beyond? Joining Rotary provides the opportunity to serve your community through meaningful projects, and build lifelong friendships, while making an impact locally and globally. The Rotary Club of Buderim invites you to go along to their meetings at the Buderim Tavern held each Friday at 12.30pm. For more information phone Cathy on 0413 456 337.
Join a small group of women and learn how to sharpen and care for your garden tools, such as secateurs, loppers and spades. Workshops are conducted at various times at locations across the Coast. For further information visit Emily's Workshops on Facebook or call 0435 083 021.
Ruby’s Room Ministry for Women meet on the last Saturday of each month at Buderim Uniting Church, “Connections on King”, from 9.30am to midday. It’s a fun morning of merriment and fellowship with guest speakers and musical talent. A great opportunity to make new friends. For more information phone Caz on 0423 824 096.
Suncoast Gospel Entertainers invite you to join them for a fun morning of singing both inspirational and well known songs. Go along to the Anglican Hall, Sportsmans Pde., Bokarina on the first Saturday of each month from 10 to 11.30am. Morning tea is available for a gold coin donation. All are welcome.
Do you enjoy gardening? The members at Buderim Pioneer Cottage are looking for volunteers to assist in the cottage gardens. If you are interested and have some free time, you would be most welcome, and valued. For further information please phone 5450 1966.
Do you want to get the most out of your retirement? Why not join Kawana Waters Probus Club to experience a vast range of activities with an emphasis on Fun Friendship and Fellowship. They meet at 10am on the second Tuesday of the month at the Kawana Surf Club. New members would be most welcome. For further information phone Brian on 0414 538 560 or e-mail kawanawatersprobus@gmail.com.
Have you ever sold a possession to finance gambling? After losing, have you felt you had to keep gambling to win back your losses? Problem gamblers who can’t stop by themselves can find strength to succeed through Gamblers Anonymous. Help is available. For more information on attending a local meeting, call 0467 655 799.